We, the Fun Seekers, organize monthly meal events and we hope you will join us!
Our Lunch Bunch is held every month at a specific restaurant in Palm Coast, Flagler Beach or Bunnell. It is a great time to mingle with our fellow members for good food and great conversation.
Our Supper Club also meets monthly at local area restaurants. This time together provides us with delicious food and time to connect with our church family and friends.
For both events, please check the calendar on the home page menu bar for further details about each of these events. Please contact Jean or Sharon if you have questions or suggestions.
Monthly sign up sheets are in the ministry book in the Narthex.
We will also have a Game Day in Fellowship Hall three times a year. This is a fun day with all. The games are anything people like to play. You can bring one or play something that someone else brings. Come in and get to know members who will become new friends. For any questions on this or any Funseeker event, please contact Sharon.