Worship & Music
To assist in the creation of a meaningful and inspirational worship experience through music and word, and encourage participation in our worship services.
Ministry Opportunities
Vocal choir members lead the singing of the liturgy and hymns as the congregation follows
Bell Choir and other instrumentalists enhance our worship through the playing of instruments.
The vocal ensemble is currently accompanied by piano, organ, drum, and electric bass. We also have a bell choir which provides accompaniment to our vocal ensemble throughout the year.
If you enjoy singing and/or playing an instrument and praising God through music, we welcome you to join us!
Please contact Garrett Marinconz - garrettmarinconz@gmail.com;
Jane Mason - richjanemason@hotmail.com or Patsy Snodgrass - patsytsnod@aol.com
Worship Service
May hands make for light work, and there are several volunteer opportunities to serve in worship. They include:
Altar Guild: The Altar Guild is a lay ministry to serve God in His house by preparing His table for worship every week. This also includes maintaining and caring for the sacred vessels, altar linens, and vestments.
Assistant Minister: Participates in the service by reading selected passages through out worship including prayers of intercession, prayer of the day, offertory prayer, and the prayer after communion. The AM also supports various other tasks during worship as needed.
Communion Assistant: Assists the pastor(s) in distributing the wine/juice following the offering of the communion bread.
Greeter: Meets our members and guests at each door with a friendly hello and welcome to our church.
Lector: Participates in the service by reading the selected bible verses to the congregation.
Usher: Welcomes members and guests, providing a bulletin for service, as well as guiding attendees to available seats if needed. They also assist with the collection of the offering as well as releasing the pews for communion.
Media Team
Our media team is a very important function of our church by helping bring God's word to the wider community by running our sound system and recording the service. The video recording is placed on our website and on YouTube so members and guests may have access to each week's Sunday service. Prior experience is not required, our current team will gladly show you the process. We need more volunteers and ask you to prayerfully consider joining our team.
Beautification of the Church
We appoint the church and altar through the year with the appropriate sacred vessels, altar linens, vestments, flowers, candles, and other items based on the season of the church. We especially decorate the church and altar for the Lent/Easter season and the Advent/Christmas season, and invite all to come and help!
Get Involved
Theresa Pisano
(904) 437-2306